Contact Lenses VS Glasses wear during COVID 19

There is no evidence to suggest that either is better. The most important take home is that safe hygiene practices are important for both options. 

Safety & Hygiene for glasses wear 

Wash your hands . Wash your glasses. 
Yes - even before COVID 19 it is  advised for you to wash your glasses daily under a cold water tap with a few drops of dish washing liquid . Pay attention to nose pads and hinges . This removes dirt , oils and perspiration whist protecting the longevity of your frames . Particularly in Barbados because of the salty air.

Wash your micro fiber cleaning cloth and use an antibacterial spray to disinfect your glasses case . 

Safety & Hygiene for Contact Lenses wear 

NB: DO NOT use contact lenses if you are unwell . Make sure your eyes look white feel and look good. No redness , no itching or burning. 

Wash your hands before insertion & removal of lenses

Use dailies - As an optometrist I would recommend daily contact lenses during this time. You are using a brand new fresh lens daily so little risk of build up of dirt and germs on the lens. 

Monthly Disposables

If you are using monthly disposables change the solution each time you store your lenses. Change your contact lens case 1 mth. Wash your contact lenses case with multipurpose cleaning solution and air dry. 

Dispose of lenses as recommended and do not extend wear. 

Make sure all surfaces for storage of contact lens cases are clean and disinfected . BE safe . We are in this together .